Friday, December 16, 2011

Brain teaser series 3...

Find the right candy jar...
Who does not love candy? I always loved those colorful candies but I liked that one colored candy. Now I got red candy and blue candy but I like to get the red one, here is my trouble. There are 3 jars (not transparent) that are mislabeled, one jar has red candy, one has blue candy and one has a mix. Now the mix is not necessarily 50-50, it could be any ratio. I have to blindly pick candy from the jars and find out which jar has which type of candy in the minimal possible turns. How many turns are needed to find out which Jar has what candy?

Did you know that red jelly beans are kid's favorite. Have fun :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Brain teaser series 2...

Flip the coin...
I always loved those coin tricks and wondered how it happened. While making the coin magically disappear is definitely a mind trick (will talk about that too) but the coin flipping is mathematical. Here is an easy one, I flipped two quarter-coins and immediately announced that one came out as head. What is the chance that the second coin will also be a head?

If you were in Las Vegas would you bet on head or tail for the second coin? Have fun :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Brain teaser series 1...

Run for your life...
Mr. Joy enjoys some risk and likes to explore the nearby area. In the beautiful surrounding there is a train track that goes through a mysterious tunnel. One fine morning Mr. Joy decided to take a walk through the tunnel. While Mr. Joy was 1/4 way on the tunnel, he hears the train whistle. A quick thinker Mr. Joy calculates that if he runs back he would just make it out of the tunnel before train gets in the tunnel and if he runs forward he will just make it out of the tunnel before train hits him. While Mr. Joy saved his life, he left you with a problem, how fast was this train travelling compare to Mr. Joy?

This is old school physics problem with all basic assumptions for this kind of puzzle. Assume Mr. Joy can run with same speed in both direction. He can accelerate to his top speed right away. Train barely misses him if he would run in either direction

Looking forward to see some solution(s)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Business Intelligence

What is business Intelligence
I am sure a lot of people can define business intelligence but what we need to know is how it applies to us our business, our life and things we do. Over the last few decades, we have collected data and we probably have overwhelming data about a person, from financial records to personal email, phone records etc. While this information is useful for your own records it provides a vast scope for someone in the field of offering services or goods a great opportunity to find out what they can launch or produce. 

While this is a short example and a survey could do that but have you ever thought of magic. While magical tricks (are tricks) and some are really sophisticated, business intelligence is the magic for this data. Data is any piece entered into a system but when we interpret it, it becomes information. When this goes beyond a regular interpretation, business intelligence comes into play. 

Have you ever thought about this if the person entering next in the car dealership will buy the car or not? Well, if you are into sales there, you know the other brain tricks (that I will talk about in another topic) but you wish you knew so you could spend your time appropriately. Well based on the vast data that we have, a simple survey may be a tool that could give you the answer with pretty high confidence. For example, how many car this person already own, is he / she a house owner? how many children? etc.

Business intelligence is not about what we can see but what we cannot see. With that said, here is my introduction to BI. 

Would love to get some feedback and comments...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to live life?

Live for today and enjoy what you have or plan for Tomorrow?

Overcome your fear. This is one place where Earth is the limit ;)
If you can do this then you can fly through all problems :)

Ride the ocean but don't be foolish. Enjoy, today is the day and time to enjoy

One day I would like to be in the driver seat there. Believe me you would know that perfection is not achieved but is a practice.

I have ridden in the roughs with my bicycle. It was always thrilling to be on the top

Don't need a pilot :)